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How to Reduce Sensory Overload in Autism by 70% - Interview with Shalev, a skeptical Autistic Mother

We first met Shalev when she responded to our invitation to test our Autistic Sensory Overload Glasses.

She was unprepared for her experience with our glasses. She thought that since her sensory problems were not vision related, that she would report back to us that the glasses didn't work for her.

Little did she know that her sensory overload symptoms would be reduced by 75% in highly stressful situations and that she would feel 70% calmer during anxiety triggering situations.

She didn't know she and her son would fall in love with wearing Autistalline Glasses, that she would taste food differently (better!), and that she would learn so much about her sensory issues during her trial.

What kind of doubts did you have about autistic sensory overload glasses when you responded to our post about glasses testing?

When I first responded, I thought it was an interesting concept, but didn’t expect it to work. I decided to [try them] for myself because I’m autistic and I would give you honest feedback.

Since they are glasses, I expected them to do little to nothing for me. Most of my sensory issues are sound and texture, and I don’t really think I fully understood all of my sensory issues until I had these glasses.

What did you expect would happen during the test?

I expected that almost nothing would happen, I would give you that feedback, and then you would either improve the product, say it works for this type of autistic person but not this type, or it would fail altogether.

What actually happened during your test?

I never noticed how much anxiety I had constantly, and how much was due to visual input. I typically spend my morning trying to wake up to coffee and I will be rocking and stimming while my children are running around the apartment and trying to jump all over me. Instead, I just calmly sat there and drank my coffee. While l was wearing these, my energetic children were running around me and screaming and playing and it didn't really bother me, which that usually does.

Did you notice anything else about your day to day affairs?

What is the most notable change you noticed while wearing Autistalline Glasses?

Much less anxiety and irritability. Less sensory overloads and feelings of being overwhelmed.

If you had to quantify how much less, what number would that be?

70% less.

What tasks or events (if any) became easier during this test?

Grocery shopping has always been difficult, but has become impossible with COVID-19 because of the need to wear masks. As soon as I try and wear a mask I can't function and can't complete the trip. With these glasses, it still wasn't a pleasant experience, but I was able to get my shopping done and go home.

Family dinners can be difficult because of all the chaos of the meal and children, but with this, I didn't have the extreme anxiety and wasn't stimming at the table constantly. It was easier to keep up with the conversations. I could enjoy a family dinner without getting overloaded by the whole experience and children running around and playing, and it was easier to follow the conversations.

Did you experience any meltdowns during the test period?


Did you experience sensory overload?

Yes. While grocery shopping with a mask on. It was less severe with the glasses.

How much less?


Was there a change in your mood during the test?

I was much calmer and my husband said that I smiled and laughed more. He also said I was more cuddly.

After trying the glasses, what do you think about them now?

I still don’t really understand the science of how these work, which is why I call them magic. I don’t understand how they reduce my anxiety, allow me to better process a situation and decide what to do, make sounds less, allow me to not feel everyone all at one time, and change the taste of food.

I know that it does that, but I don’t understand how it does that.

Did you notice anything different about your ability to process information or reaction time?

Another tester reported that she was able to eat yogurt, a food she normally hates due to sensory texture. Could you pay attention to taste related sensations during testing?

You didn't want your son to try the glasses as a tester until after you tried them yourself. Why is that?

I wanted to test them out to make sure they were safe. Once I found out they were, I reached out to you to ask if my son could do the test too.

Thank you Shalev, for your honesty, kindness, humor, and willingness to perform your own fun experiments because you've helped us out tremendously!

Read about her son's experience with testing the glasses here.

About Autistalline Sensory Overload Glasses

Autistalline Sensory Overload Glasses are not for sale yet. None of these claims have been approved by the FDA yet. Our testers are wearing our Prototype glasses, which are only 70% as effective as the final version will be.

Learn more about how Autistalline glasses work here

We need your help! We are currently fundraising to create these Autistic Sensory Overload glasses for the Autistic Community. If we don't raise the funds we needed, Autistalline Glasses may never get created, and the Autistic Community WILL NOT get the support they desperately need during quarantine lockdown.

Click here to support our fundraiser!

•For every $30 donated, you'll receive a free prescription upgrade when we release our final version of glasses in 2021. Free prescription upgrades are transferrable.

•For every $50 donated, you'll receive a $75 gift certificate redeemable when we release our final version of glasses in 2021. Gift certificates are transferrable.

•For every $100 donated, you'll receive a $150 gift certificate redeemable when we release our final version of glasses in 2021. Gift certificates are transferrable.

Please share this campaign! If we do not raise the funds needed, the Autistic community WILL NOT receive the support they need during quarantine lockdown and there is a possibility these glasses will never get made. Support us!

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